
No space left on device

Tasks may fail with an error message mentioning No space left on device as the underlying error. This likely means your build pipeline wrote more data than expected into a shared volume.

Typically seen in the clone-repository or prefetch-dependencies task in a build pipeline.

For the clone task, the error message may look similar to:

[clone] {"level":"error","ts":1721904304.0047252,"caller":"git/git.go:53","msg":"Error running git [checkout -f FETCH_HEAD]: exit status 128\nerror: unable to write file ...: No space left on device\n"

The device that’s running out of space is most likely the workspace declared in your PipelineRun YAML files. The solution is to request more disk space. In the .spec.workspaces section in all the relevant PipelineRun files, increase the storage request.

  # ...
    # ...
    - name: workspace
              storage: 1Gi  # increase accordingly

Pipeline Run Times Out

Tasks may fail with an error message mentioning PipelineRun <pipelineName> failed to finish within "1h0m0s".

If you see this error message, it means that the pipeline run has exceeded the default one hour time limit set for PipelineRuns. If you want to increase the time limit, you can do so by setting the spec.timeout field in the corresponding PipelineRun YAML file.

  # ...
  timeout: 1h30m0s  # increase accordingly